Details about World Ijtema of Turagpar, Bangladesh.

Details about World Ijtema of Turagpar, Bangladesh.

        World Ijtema is held every year in Turagpar, Bangladesh. This Ijtema is one of the largest gatherings of people of the Islamic community. It attracted Muslims from outside the country to gather in one of the largest Islamic gardens in Turagpar. This Ijtema has a profound impact on social, financial and religious value.

         The main objectives of World Ijtema are to promote and spread Islam, promote unity and cooperation of Muslim society, spread Islamic education and culture, impart knowledge on Islamic matters, contribute to social and economic development, promote friendship and brotherhood among Muslim people, etc. Also, Ijtema is held with the objective of advancing the path of human development by presenting Muslim religious types and promoting their religious ideals, culture and traditions.

       The impact of World Ijtema is of course primarily on the improvement of Islamic religious values, culture, and society. It creates an ideal environment through the unity and cooperation of the Muslim community. It serves as an encouraging medium for more human relationships and personal change. Also, through Ijtema other social and economic sectors can be instituted to contribute to development so that local communities and governments can be revitalized. However, this effect may vary in magnitude as expected and may produce different results in different social, political, and financial situations.


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